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University of Cologne

Teacher Education

The internationalization of teacher training is of particular importance due to the high proportion of teacher training in the degree programs and students at the University of Cologne. The Center for Teacher Education, in cooperation with the faculties and the International Office, has been developing the internationalization of teacher training into a profile feature of the University of Cologne.

The Center for Teacher Education at the University of Cologne

Map of teacher education

The Center for Teacher Education at the University of Cologne coordinates, modifies and develops the teacher education programs, acting as a central academic institution connecting faculties and schools. The Center counsels and accompanies prospective teachers from the beginning of their orientation placement in the first semester until their graduation. The Center comprises the Examination Office, the Graduate School for Teacher Education, the Consulting and Information Office as well as various coordination bodies for future-oriented projects concerning teacher education and training. Staying in constant dialogue with various stakeholders, the Center plays an active role in shaping further reforms of teacher education at Cologne University. For example, the Center is involved in projects dealing with inclusive schools, the internationalization of teacher education, diversity, or bringing the digital age to schools.

Mandatory practical phases during our teacher education study programs are meant to motivate students to reflect on the opportunities as well as on the challenges of the teaching profession, informed by firsthand experience. We believe that a teacher’s professional personality is formed both by theory and by practical input, and thus, we strive to offer both to our students. Last but not least, by providing high quality teaching as well as opportunities to get engaged in research, we aim to prepare our teachers-to-be for the ‘classroom of the future’.