Digital Tandem Teaching
One main aim of our UNITE-project is the internationalisation of teacher education at our universities, even at a time when mobility is only possible to a very limited extent. We are constantly striving to create and strengthen a successful worldwide network in teacher education for students and colleagues from all institutions.
We strongly believe that internationalisation can and has to be advanced even without traveling and meeting face-to-face. Therefore, one of our goals is to establish possibilities to intensify a virtual cooperation and exchange between students and staff.
Consequently, we would like to set up and support joint lectures or seminars of colleagues from our UNITE-network.
We would be delighted if you were also interested in doing a seminar (or just parts of it) together with colleagues from a UNITE-university.
Interested in doing a tandem teaching seminar?
Please fill in the short questionnaire if you are. This will be the basis for bringing thematically suitable colleagues into contact
Previous Events
The Other and the Common in the Classroom
Reflexionen über das Was des Lehrens
Taller de traducción
"Taller de traducción: Escribir en un país extranjero: Spas schläft del autor de Dimitre Dinev"
Der Workshop gab den Studierenden die Möglichkeit, ihre Sprachkenntnisse selbst zu überprüfen und aktiv auszuprobieren, indem sie sie an der eigenen Muttersprache messen mussten; das hat ihr Sprachbewusstsein in beiden Sprachen gefördert, weil sie sich fragen müssen, inwieweit etwas übertragbar ist, was bei der Übertragung verloren geht, wie man den Verlust vermeiden, die Information am Besten vermitteln kann. Dass diese Überlegungen in einem angenehmen, kollegialen Austausch zwischen Muttersprachler*innen beider Sprachen gemacht werden, erhöht das Niveau und die Feinheit der Überlegungen und das Sprachbewusstsein beider Gruppen in beiden Sprachen, hat also einen deutlichen Mehrwehrt gegenüber Veranstaltungen zu Übersetzung, die nur mit Muttersprachler*innen der einen Ausgangssprache gemacht werden. Und fördert auf diese aktive Weise unbedingt die Deutschkenntnisse der einen, die Spanischkenntnisse der anderen, inklusive ihres Bewusstseins zur Varianz in beiden Sprachen, insbesondere auch im Spanischen, wenn spanische und mexikanische Teilnehmer*innen dabei sind. Die Veranstaltung ist ein Erfolg gewesen und absolut zu empfehlen als Veranstaltungsart.
Victoria Torres
Department of Romance Studies, University of Cologne
Prof. Olivia Díaz Pérez
Departamento de Lenguas Modernas, Universidad de Guadalajara (Mexico)
Prof. Maria Luisa Siguan Boehmer
Department of Modern Languages, Modern Literature and English Studies, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
Can Things Make Students Gifted?
"Can Things Make Students Gifted? Exploring Giftedness from the Perspective of Object-Oriented Didactics"
Finding a structure for a joint education seminar of the University of Cologne and Uppsala University as part of our regular programmes proves difficult due to different curricula, semester times and programme structures. The digital workshop made it possible to include Professor Bengtsson’s expertise in a regular University of Cologne module as an enrichment without having to bend any structures for it. Our topic and format provided new insights for our students as well as for us as lecturers. It was a great start for the development of more integrated tandem-teaching activities between University of Cologne and Uppsala University.
Dr. Stefan Bengtsson
Department of Education, Uppsala Universitet (Sweden)
Dr. Silke Marchand
Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Education and Social Sciences, University of Cologne
Racismo en América Latina
Mit fremden Zungen sprechen
"Mit fremden Zungen sprechen. Deutschsprachige Migrationsliteratur im interkulturellen Kontext am Beispiel von Mutterzunge von Emine Sevgi Özdamar"
Victoria Torres
Department of Romance Studies, University of Cologne
Prof. Olivia Díaz Pérez
Departamento de Lenguas Modernas, Universidad de Guadalajara (Mexico)
Memorias en Espejo a ambos lados del Atlántico
"Memorias en Espejo a ambos lados del Atlántico"
The chosen topics were the Falklands War (Argentina-England, 1982), the "disappeared" during the last Argentine military dictatorship (1976-1982), the African communities in Argentina and the Spanish exile to Argentina during the civil war (1936-1939).
The aim was to establish a dialogue between the groups of students on the basis of the questions in order to create "mirror memories". The approach to different topics of one's own history and society through the exchange with others, with whom one does not share the same historical, social, political, cultural background, etc., not only adds new perspectives, perhaps not taken into account, but also allows, in the best case, a more critical reflection on what is known or familiar.
Victoria Torres
Department of Romance Studies, University of Cologne
Josefina Giglio
Escuela de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina)